something about me and my future commitments
I think that everyone should fight lottare.La tutto.Parlo is the basis of an inward and spiritual struggle that the individual is to find the truth, but also a struggle against the Power that will always to overpower the man, making him a slave and then a fight against injustice in our teeming società .In Secondly you have to fight for the ideals and placing the right goals, the fight is aimed anarchy riprovevole.I my ideals:
-Man's freedom from fashion, ideology, society
-justice among men, at least minimal justice and that is that sacred and inviolable rights principles are respected
-the truth: Human life must be a constant search for truth, never giving up or worse, the presumption of being landed AVEE
-L 'RIGHTS: a spirit of solidarity that requires the help and the next fight indifference that often pervades the relationship between people
I think that every person, but young people especially, have a duty to fight for a better world, acquiring a conscience sociale.Bisogna combat apathy, indifference, boredom depopulated oggi.C 'is in need of fresh air.
We must fight the contempt and marketing of life, the refusal of the other, the selfishness that leads us to disregard the other. We must fight the destruction of the environment. We need to build therefore a better world.
I vow to commit myself to achieve my goals, such as:-
become a doctor without borders (or a journalist, foreign correspondent, but qst would be a fallback job, because my vocation is soppraccitata)
-seriously involved life as a human individual, not mass-man, and citizen
The alternative to this, if I can not rggiungere my goals is to wander the world aimlessly, to know more people, cultures, styles pssibili.Ma life and if I'll only notice this to be truly alone and if you ever come to the conclusion that a better world does not exist.
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