Sunday, May 18, 2008

If You Swallow Fish Bone

Again little comment to some current news

- 'I wish to be young, trendy fashions are burned in a flash, run in a frantic and stunned'. 'The youth, however, that of goodness, stay forever'. Being young means having discovered that things do not go fast with the passing of the years: if a young man discovers the true values \u200b\u200band large, then it never gets old '.
QST has said Pope Benedict XVI, he cn agree more, but to add value ideals bisgna live and fight for ideals.
maybe I'd be like Alekos, fight and suffer for a utopia, but I know that, in small steps, you could change the mondo.Bisogna believe it, or no?
Yet some days I feel bad because of QST, I feel different because they are too idealistic and alone, because only (hope I am wrong) to think così.Credo But one day, maybe in ten years, when I am a doctor without borders or war correspondent I feel completely happy, because members of the society and on the way to improve things.

'The situation of Roma in Italy and' horrible '.' It is incredible that in a democratic country there are those who live there without rights' documents, and even if 'here for 40 years,' said the QST
Parliamentary Viktoria Mohacsi.Bè rom, if you are so incredible, sensitized them to learn and gypsies lavorare.Io support the idea that men sn all brothers and we're all alike, but if someone comes to your house and steals and just tries to fuck should definitely kick him out or give him a lezione.Io I feedback every day : pine forest near the house is reduced to a garbage can because of the gypsies who stopped there on time every year and spread out the clothes, they throw their waste there, and their droppings and send their children to beg cn lacrimosi.Andassero eyes to work !


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