brief comment to some current news
BOY KILLED BY skinheads: total disapproval, a flourish of three enhanced totally intolerant to communism (we were in a state with left-wing government then)
OLYMPICS IN BEIJING: The Chinese have spent a lot of money, but that did not no relevance for two reasons: the contract with the stages of Chinese sn thousands were evicted from their homes, QST is a clear demonstration dittatoriale.E despotic government and then there is the difficult situation in Tibet shows that cs is to choose the path of non-violence: Gandhi has failed in its purpose, because the British, even esssendo a great colonial power, were not able all the Chinese, apparently, yes.
Berlusconi government's difficult to hope, with him in power, an improvement of things, but perhaps Bossi ideas suited to today's problems and lead to "the right way." Do not take away confidence, it may be better than that Prodi filled with immigrants.
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