Why Barack Obama
Barack Obama won over Hillary Clinton and I hope to win even on McCain.Perchè? At first I was more inclined
for Hillary, but then I thought: this nice woman appears as the wife of Bill Clinton, not Hillary Rodham.Gli Americans do not want the new government is a continuation of that of impôts Clinton.Se Hillary had been first and foremost as a woman alone, proud and independent, without the presence of her husband, of course all the American women would feel close and would votata.Ciò however remains that Hillary makes a great leader and a determined woman.
Barack Obama is the new American dream, "we can", "we can." I do not believe (and perhaps even I'm not going to believe) that his is only parole.Io I think Obama is that new wind, and indeed what 'fresh air, we all like a true politician bisogno.Mi who believes in his ideals and that really feels the need to conduct a country not for power or gain, but for vocazione.Vai Obama, you can do it!
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