Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dog Had Fluid In Heart

Save the Record Store and smaller libraries

Have you ever noticed that in our cities are disappearing so-called "Record Store" and the book stores?
The "Record Store" are those dusty closet where you can swim (or hide) and stay there for hours and hours to comb through records and search of any kind, perhaps even parts rari.Così for libraries: do not miss those little ones shops, these fully dusty, with light, blurry, full of shelves and tables, where the retailer's head suddenly pops out from behind a chair? to me, but just so much! How I wish our city would return as of old, beautiful and romantic with fewer cars and do not bother me at all, take the tram or autobusper move (and maybe the bike!) Internet now dominates us, we prefer to download there, or do we control the labels that they charge excessive prices high for a CD.
I knew, however, that April 19 is Record Store Day that maybe there really are missing if we decided to dedicate a day to "celebrate".


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