Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Scab On Nipple Pregnant

Italy waste: 1.5 tons of food thrown in the bucket.

While 3% of Italian GDP ends up in the trash, the lines for soup kitchens, social stretched out more and more. Paradoxically, there are those who buy and ingest too much and who can not make it to eat. Next year will be the European Year of waste and each of us can contribute to the spread of a model of ethical and sustainable consumption.

In Italy there are 8.370.000mila poor people, of which over 393.390mila living in absolute poverty, that is not able to access to goods of primary necessity like food and basic medical care, which allow you to live a minimally acceptable standard of living.
On the other hand, well 37miliardi € of food end up in the bucket.
Not only then could easily feed the poor of our country, but with such a quantity, you could feed a good part of Africa.
That the Italian case thus serves as a reflection, to discredit the great lie of the absence of food to help the hungry of the world. Food there and also in abundance.
At the European Day against the waste, was presented 4novembre University of Bologna, the "Black Book of waste food in Italy," a dossier edited by Luca and Andrea Segrè Fala analyzing how and how much food they waste the Italians 250chili of food are thrown away every days from supermarkets, 20tonnellate year of food still good in the bucket end of the house or in storage on farmland. The food more "trash" is the flesh, they are thrown about 245tonnellate year.
Each household food wastes 450eu
ro, and only at Christmas, end up in hell 52euro food for home.
Since the crisis erupted, hundreds of people have been forced to turn to charitable structures to get a meal or go rummaging in the bins.

To avoid the problem the solution is: ethical consumerism.

not go to the supermarket to the boarding would be a step forward, do not fill the truck, which then act as a useless ornament in the fridge with lots of mold. He writes on Tristram Stuart, a British writer "In England each year end up in landfills 480 million unopened yoghurt.
Once you are aware of this, it could support the various campaigns and initiatives of organizations, NGOs and non-profit organization to promote the consumption of ethics ... to name a few: Food Bank, Mani Tese and Caritas are actively involved in the fight wasting food.

Eleonora few


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