Saturday, December 18, 2010

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Greece: Another recession

After the maxi-IMF-EU loan not seem to improve things: data on unemployment, inflation and financial forecasts speak for themselves. Meanwhile, the IMF and the EU, worried, do not preclude the adoption of new restrictive measures.
In May 2010 the IMF and European Union settled an aid to 110miliardi to save Greece from bankruptcy but, to date, the country still seems to suffer the burden of a crisis that weighs on my shoulders like a boulder.
necessary condition to the granting of the maxi-loan, was the application of a austerity program launched by the Hellenic Government, which provided, as usual, a series of drastic cuts in public spending. The so-called structural adjustments have spread and are disseminating is still a worrying social crisis: the growing Iva, increase taxes, not just luxury goods but tobacco, alcohol and fuel, cuts in salaries of civil servants, dismissal for thousands of workers emptied the coffers of schools and universities, small pensions .

went on strike almost all of the categories: civil servants, truck drivers, flight attendants, railroad workers, workers, pensioners, police, businessmen, teachers, professors and students. Everyone, more or less directly involved in the policy adopted, contesting the operations of government.
The unemployment rate reached 12.2% , there are more than 4 million people out of work and young people are most affected, there are 33 per 100 for a walk.
The Greek Network for the fight against poverty (EAPN) also estimated that the country will register at this rate, up a third of its population below the poverty line, in other words, the 30% Greek citizens will shoot later this month with less than 470 euros a month.

The financial forecasts for 2011 are hardly reassuring "Greece has a very high risk budget," admits worried the IMF, while in Brussels, the EU commissioner for economic and monetary affairs Olli Rehn, the After the last meeting of the Eurogroup said "Greece may have to take the new austerity measures to meet budget deficit targets for 2011." The country is in recession - according to the latest IMF report, mostly to Europe, released October 19 - and sees no light, with a growth rate of - 4% for 2010 and - 2.6% expected 2011.
The deficit rises more than expected in the draft budget law for 2011 and year-end should be around 9.3% of GDP.
debt is due to the unstoppable revenue, still too low and an upward adjustment of the 2009 deficit. The austerity does not seem to have changed a lot of things ... and while the public debt rises and decreases the country, one wonders whether Greece will ever be able to repay the money granted "so generously" loaned from around the world.

Eleonora few Source:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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"Those who leave home and take to the streets for their rights"

not a question of ' be right or left, deserving or troublemakers, students or lazy, rich or poor, sequins or community centers; the right to study it at all.
That said, if you pass then reviews the recent changes to the university system, it is indisputable the progressive collapse of the quality of education and the very meaning of "culture". With the reform
Berlinguer- Zecchino (2001), was introduced 3 +2 system, namely the Bachelor , to conform to the majority of European countries and to cope with the high percentage of fuoricorso and renounced their studies. If we consider the implication, at a distance of about ten years, we can say that the model did not work. Were activated well courses 4664 (missing only a course for dog-sitter ) that generated a cascade 19,625 ordinary chairs and an average of 47.1 students per teacher.
However, each academic year of university classrooms are increasingly full, giving explicit evidence that young people are busy, we believe and want to build a future for the challenge of a grueling curriculum, with thirty-six tests in only three years and for which you're already just a sneeze fuoricorso. Once you've collected all the points, as we were in a lottery, you win the first degree and go home.
not need him all the sins of the introduction of the 3 +2, speculation as to parasitic typical Italian who did regress primarily the quality of education, creating a 'working offer that is not responding to real demand of the labor market.
Still, the real storm came with the crisis. Minister Gelmini engages, and following the economic Tremonti, a reform that involves huge cuts were fatal to the Public University.

30 Novembre- Studenti di Napoli per M.Monicelli
-November 30 Students of Naples M. Monicelli

"The real students are studying at home, those are around to protest the social centers and off course, "said Silvio Berlusconi national uprising against the student last November 30 . Those who took to the streets there are thousands of young people left home because their future is under discussion. Quote of the chairman of the board is aimed at political manipulation as her costume, remember the question of red robes.
There is no future for young people and the answer is not to remain passive at home, maybe you glued to the television reality show that fresh is better off bitter pill.
What is the effect that you would like to achieve in this way?
'll try to explain a verse evoking G. Soriano "In anything we are so tolerant as that to which we are indifferent."
The culture-killing reform provides for only 2010, scissor kick from a 1.3 billion euro redefines the administration of universities and researchers become eternal precarious. In other words are given more power to Board of Directors (BoD) and the Academic Senate. The Board will be composed for the most part by individuals outside the academic world and decide on research together with the professors and not to researchers and students.
The post will be transformed into researcher temporary assignment of up to six years.
In a letter to Napolitano written by students of the University of Roma Tre is also referred to the changes on assignments scholarships, which would limit the poor to enjoy their rights "with the university that the cut scholarships will be inaccessible to students with economically disadvantaged families since funds for the credit will no longer be allocated according to income but according to a test fee charged to students - still evoking the Constitution - Article 33 This Charter sets out the general protection and education and that in its fifth paragraph makes autonomous universities and colleges consider them "institutions of higher learning." And it is the culture that we want to protect, the knowledge that allows us to make choices and then makes us free. "

Thousands of students and researchers busy roads and highways, streets, roofs stations, schools, faculties and monuments of culture, including the Colosseum in Rome, the Mole in Turin, the Tower of Pisa and St. Anthony in Padua until you get on the arc de Triomphe in Paris.
The text of the reform approved at room Tuesday, Nov. 30 and awaiting the debate in the Senate after the fateful date of December 14 , is the death sentence of the public University, which for years after being depleted by the barons, and speculations personal and political interests, it will definitely die in favor of 'private University. The latter would seem to also benefit from the first funding handed out by the government that rewards only the universities that have a positive outcome, while those who are in debt, is left to die in the vicious circle of debt.
"Too much waste in the University public "said Gelmini. Okay, we all agree with this: it is essential to purge the universities, but evidently reform priorities differ from
so-called "principle of good family man." Similarly, to give good example to the country, you should purge primarily the ruling political class and, miraculously, all the other spheres gradually could adapt, including academia. We look forward, therefore, Dec. 14.

Eleonora few

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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Italy waste: 1.5 tons of food thrown in the bucket.

While 3% of Italian GDP ends up in the trash, the lines for soup kitchens, social stretched out more and more. Paradoxically, there are those who buy and ingest too much and who can not make it to eat. Next year will be the European Year of waste and each of us can contribute to the spread of a model of ethical and sustainable consumption.

In Italy there are 8.370.000mila poor people, of which over 393.390mila living in absolute poverty, that is not able to access to goods of primary necessity like food and basic medical care, which allow you to live a minimally acceptable standard of living.
On the other hand, well 37miliardi € of food end up in the bucket.
Not only then could easily feed the poor of our country, but with such a quantity, you could feed a good part of Africa.
That the Italian case thus serves as a reflection, to discredit the great lie of the absence of food to help the hungry of the world. Food there and also in abundance.
At the European Day against the waste, was presented 4novembre University of Bologna, the "Black Book of waste food in Italy," a dossier edited by Luca and Andrea Segrè Fala analyzing how and how much food they waste the Italians 250chili of food are thrown away every days from supermarkets, 20tonnellate year of food still good in the bucket end of the house or in storage on farmland. The food more "trash" is the flesh, they are thrown about 245tonnellate year.
Each household food wastes 450eu
ro, and only at Christmas, end up in hell 52euro food for home.
Since the crisis erupted, hundreds of people have been forced to turn to charitable structures to get a meal or go rummaging in the bins.

To avoid the problem the solution is: ethical consumerism.

not go to the supermarket to the boarding would be a step forward, do not fill the truck, which then act as a useless ornament in the fridge with lots of mold. He writes on Tristram Stuart, a British writer "In England each year end up in landfills 480 million unopened yoghurt.
Once you are aware of this, it could support the various campaigns and initiatives of organizations, NGOs and non-profit organization to promote the consumption of ethics ... to name a few: Food Bank, Mani Tese and Caritas are actively involved in the fight wasting food.

Eleonora few

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Myanmar: More than 100 thousand hungry children

Barely two years after Hurricane Nargis, Myanmar is back to suffer the devastating effects of violent natural disasters that seem to have respite. The data speak for nearly half a million were displaced.

Friday 22ottobre Giri cyclone made landfall on the west coast of Myanmar, Burma. The numbers are still approximate, up to now have more than 400,000 children and adults affected by the disaster. Specifically, more than 100,000 children are hungry and homeless. "We fear that hundreds of children may have been injured or lost - explains Save the Children - or separated from their parents. Thousands of people have lost their homes and our work teams on the ground report that entire islands have been destroyed. "
schools, homes and, in some cases, entire villages were wiped out.
A major concern is access to drinking water because the wells have been destroyed.
Save the Children aims to reach 80,000 people in the coming weeks with food, water, oral rehydration salts, water purification tablets and blankets.

From Geneva 's UN reported that 22 to 23 October, the tropical hurricane caused 45 deaths and Tours at least 10 missing. According to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the western part of Myanmar was the most seriously affected by the hurricane, affecting 400 thousand inhabitants, of whom 80 thousand are homeless. To date, there are 15 thousand homes have been destroyed by the hurricane. The World Food Programme (WFP) , the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) , Save the Children and many other organizations have begun the distribution of food for days and provide assistance to the survivors involved in catastrofe.L 'hurricane Giri, would have been classified in 4 / 5 on the Saffir-Simpson and, if it happened in the Atlantic - explain the meteorologists - would be strongest hurricane Nargis, which struck in 2008 Burma, causing 130 thousand deaths. According to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, however, the storm was the strongest hurricane Nargis, but hath been able to avoid the thousands of deaths in 2008 thanks to the timely evacuation of preventive action taken by Red Cross.
Unlike the previous disaster, it would lead to more openness on the part of the Government of Myanmar to the finish international aid. Aid workers from NGOs and relevant UN agencies, was granted almost immediately by the entrance to the devastated areas. "The Burmese people will suffer a severe famine food - adds Save the Children - in all the area affected by the hurricane for at least six months."

Eleonora few
Source: http://
Pics: Save the Children