Friday, October 1, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Get A Ca Id In The Mail

weapon food

Some powers that are or States Multinational , using food deprivation as a weapon against those who want to impose their will.
The the 1996 Rome Declaration commits states to respect the following provision: "Food should not be used as an instrument of political and economic pressure." limits itself to the necessity of refraining from unilateral measures alone.
The Additional Protocols to the Geneva Convention for the protection of civilian populations down: "It 's prohibited to attack, destroy, render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population such as foodstuffs, crops, water facilities ". Yet the reality is very different. Some multinational giants regulate the food market on the planet and if they want, along with leaders and financiers destroy tons and tons of food, considered a surplus, or an uncomfortable surplus unwelcome rules market.
E 'ALSO' interesting clear that most of the grain produced worldwide is used for nutrition of animals (660 million tons) compared to 200 million tonnes used for Food human.
So much of the grain produced on land in the West are used to feed livestock that is then consumed by us in the form of meat, eggs, milk.
If the huge amount of cereals for livestock were used directly for human consumption, could be well fed 2.5 billion people. With a limited amount of grain that the U.S. and USSR to allocate cattle could feed one billion people.
Hunger is not for lack of food but lack of intent.

Eleonora Few


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