Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Patty Cake Masterbate




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Why Do I Have A Big Hole In My Tonsils

NIGERIA: Lead exterminate more than 400 children

E 'was the craft and manual search of gold in lead poisoning of entire villages, more than 18,000 infected, the most affected are women and children.

far this year, in the northern region of Zamfara, have been contaminated - according to UN figures - at least 18,000 people , and the situation worsening. Already in March was observed an excess of deaths and illnesses of the Zamfara State , and investigations had identified the cause nell'avvelenamento lead and mercury from artisanal gold mining related.
E 'was found later that most of the aquifers, where they worked for the for gold, are contaminated by the presence of heavy metals that infect humans and environment.
Men extract minerals highly contaminated with bare hands, take them home to select carefully the precious metal from what was collected, and clean sand, and often this activity is carried out by women and children . But children have a significantly weaker immune systems of adults, so I'm the first to be poisoned by harmful material, leading to anemia, muscle weakness, irreversible brain damage and in severe cases leads to death.
Considering that almost all the villagers of Zamfara and its practice the search for gold as a primary source, or rather the hope of income, the budget of the epidemic is staggering. Thousands of people are at risk, already infected more than 18,000 in seven villages surveyed. There is talk of than 400 children under five years dall'avvelenamento killed, 500 were closely monitored for early intervention Doctors Without Borders, which warns: 'The identification of two other villages polluted suggests that the lead contamination in the villages of the State of Zamfara is a problem much larger than estimated at first. " The process of remediation of contaminated sites can not be accomplished in the short term. Provides for the removal of polluted soil and the study of neighboring areas, which would be contaminated by lead like wildfire. The operation is supervised by the agency environmental Terragraphics.

Source: http://www.vocelibera.it/

Eleonora few

Monday, November 8, 2010

Beyonce Knowles Clothes Line

Amnesty: In Italy the abuse of power is not adequately punished

The signed Amnesty's annual report, highlights the lack in Italy, the protection of human rights.

From the annual report of Amnesty International , Italian section, show that Our country is devoid of a specific crime of torture in the Penal Code. A distance of twenty years after the ratification of the UN Convention against Torture , Italy does not have adequate national legal system to the international commitment undertaken. Consequently, acts of torture and ill-treatment committed by public officials, when exercising their functions, are pursued as a form of petty crime: injuries, abuse of office, forgery etc.. and then punished with prison not adequately severe.
"Italy has also ratified the Optional Protocol to UN Convention against Torture - says Amnesty - providing for the adoption of mechanisms to prevent abuse, including an independent monitoring places of detention, and has set up an independent body to monitor human rights, or to an independent report of abuse of police. " Frequent complaints were recorded of torture and other ill-treatment committed by agents of the police, as well as reports of deaths in custody in disputed circumstances. Amnesty points out the most recent cases, infamous. In June 2009, 10 municipal police of Parma have been indicted for bodily injury, assault, kidnapping, slander, perjury and other minor offenses, for the beating of Emmanuel Bonsu, a citizen of Ghana, which took place in September 2008. Bonsu was the victim of racial slurs and beating, and become damaged in the eye. On July 6, 2009, four agents of the state police, were sentenced at first instance for the manslaughter of Federico Aldrovandi , 18, died in September 2005 in Ferrara, when he was detained. On July 14, 2009, an agent of the traffic police, Luigi Spaccarotella, was sentenced by the Court of First Instance in Arezzo for the manslaughter of Gabriele Sandri, killed in November 2007 by a gunshot. On October 22, 2009, died Stefano Cucchi Sandro Pertini hospital ward in the prison of Rome, seven days after his arrest. According to the family, the wounds found on his body after death, showed the mistreatment. Nell 'was closed in April 2010 the preliminary investigation, which excluded charges of murder. Remain standing allegations of wrongful death, aggravated by the patient's death, personal injury and false. In December 2009, the murder investigation in the case of Bianzino Aldo, who died in prison in Perugia in October 2007, ended with check-in. An autopsy on the body of Bianzino revealed cerebral hemorrhage and injury to the liver. We hope that the report of Amnesty leads the ruling class to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention mentioned above, and to introduce into our criminal law the crime of torture.

Eleonora few